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For Lawyers Only: Iowa Supreme Court Amends Rules of Evidence

Apr 23rd, 2009 | By | Category: Professional Education

The Iowa Supreme Court has filed amendments to the Iowa Rules of Evidence. The new changes will become effective on June 1st. Critical changes have been made to IRE 502 concerning limitations placed on the waiver of attorney-client and work product privileges. In this video presentation Nick Critelli, past chair of the Iowa Rules of Evidence Committee discusses the effect of the new Rule 502 on your practice.

The new IRE 502 covers two problem issues. First it defines how the court will determine if the attorney-client or work product privilege has been waived as to some but not all of the privileged communication. Secondly it brings clarity to what Critelli calls “the pesky problem” of inadvertent disclosure of privileged documents.

For a full copy of the Amendments click  file86


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