EM: Counsel@CritelliLaw.com
USA-NY: 212-388-9661 USA-IA: 515-243-3122

Want to Video Conference?

Oct 4th, 2013 | By | Category: Alert


Have a matter you want to discuss with us?  Just follow these instructions and you can do it be video conference.  True to our motto “where tradition meets technology”, CritelliLaw is a proud sponsor of viceo conferencing by Go-to-Meeting.




To converence by video you need only to be at your computer or on your smartphone.   No special equipment or software is needed. You don’t even need a camera.  E-mail us at Nick@CritelliLaw.com for  the time you would like to meet (give us a couple of hours notice) and we will send you a password that will allow you to attend the video conference.   At the appropriate time simply log on to this link:


and type in the password we gave you.  If your computer has a microphone and speaker you need do nothing more.  If not, simply call the following phone number United States: (646) 982-0002  OR United Kingdom: +44 20 3535 0624  and put in this Access Code:   374-800-312.

Conflicts of Interest Clearance

Iowa Rule of Prof’l Conduct 32: 1.18

At the conference the first thing we will do is to ask questions to ensure that we do not have a conflict of interst.  This is important. We need to ensure that we are not representing the other side of the dispute.  So,  until we have cleared the case for conflict of interest neither you nor your client should have any expectation of confidentiality.  Further, even if cleared for conflicts, asbsent a written Engagement Agreement we not obligated to represent you or your client or protect your legal rights.

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